If you look over to your right you will notice that I've added an IMEEM playlist to the blog. That is because I've decided to go ahead and try out an idea I got from Matt over on ArizUtaku. Not entirely sure how often I'll update it with a new playlist, but I'd definitely love to try and give this a shot.
Playlist for this week will be the brand new Pearl Jam album, Backspacer. PJ has been my all time favorite band for some time now, so naturally this is something to be very excited about for me. I've only gotten the chance to hear just a few songs off of this album though, but from what I have heard it's not bad. I guess I can also sort of say I'm putting it up as a tribute to the fact that they had a concert out in West Valley just last night that I regrettably didn't go see, even though I've been waiting forever for them to come through Utah sometime... ;_;
I was actually kind of wondering whether or not it'd be worth it to post links to my reviews over on ArizUtaku considering the link to the site is right over on the side bar, but then I figured I guess it'd be nice to let you all know which reviews are mine since, you know, it doesn't really say who it was that wrote them.... ^_^'
In any case, my review for 9 is now up over there for those who want to check it out. Really wish I could have gotten around to it sooner considering I saw it more than a week ago but hey, that's how crazy life can get I suppose. Anyways, here's a link for y'all: Cliky.
This is an issue I personally feel pretty fairly strong about. And I'll tell you why; I've always been one who makes friends far more so with people as individuals rather than people in particular groups. I've never really fit in with anyone's "cliques," "friends groups," or "social labels," or anything else you want to call it. I just make friends with whoever pretty much, so long as I feel like they're good people. Even though without a doubt, given my personal interests, the general kind of person that I am, and the majority of my friends, if one had to label me under anything in particular it would definitely be with the geeks, the fact of the matter is that even then there's still a whole lot about me and my personal interests that doesn't quite fit into the typical geek steriotype. But that's just kind of how I am, I've always been one to avoid limiting myself to what a particular social label or whatever "defines" about me. I've always been my own person. Simply put, I've always liked whatever I wanted to like, I've always liked whoever I want to like, and not really cared about what everyone else thought about it, whether I was too geeky for them or too much of an "in" person for them. Because that sort of thing has never mattered at all to me.
Problem is it hasn't really always been that way. I've always been the "not fitting into any one particular social label" person that I am, yes. But way back when I wasn't quite as confident about it as I am today. Because of me going about things the way I do in that sense I've always been somewhat of a loner, not being able to "fit in" with anyone in particular. And back then I used to think that there was something seriously wrong with me because of it, and unfortunately it's caused me much more social tragedy and drama than I ever would have liked to have. But you know something? Over the years that's become something I've been able to embrace about myself for who I am and have kind of garnered the attitude that if other people can't do the same, then forget them. And that's really something I feel like more people out there should have the courage to do. Because even if you may not have really all that many friends, fact of the matter is if you have ones that are the truest and deepest of friends, then that's all you really need. And those true friends of yours are going to be the people who do indeed have that capacity to accept you for who you are, whether you fit their preferred social label or not. Same thing applies to finding a significant other as well.
Pretty much the overall point I'm trying to get at here is that sometimes, I really think too many people out there limit themselves far too much to what other people label them as, that in all honesty, they miss out on all sorts of opportunities out there. Opportunities for the kinds of wonderful people they could become friends/significant others with, for what certain personal interests/hobbies they could end up loving more than anything else in the world, and probably more than anything, their abilities to expand their horizons and become better, more knowledgeable people. But I suppose there's just something about being able to "fit in" at least somewhere, anywhere, that people feel the obligation to do so. And the sad thing is that because of that, they don't allow themselves to do all those things I mentioned, because they're afraid they won't "fit in" with anyone. Being a self proclaimed geek myself (if you haven't noticed already :P ), one of the things I have the deepest respects and admirations for in the sense of social labels are indeed those self proclaimed geeks who are proud to be so and show it. It shows a great deal of self confidence and ability to not care what others think, considering how "uncool" or "out of the social norm" it is to be a geek. But even then, considering that to be a geek is indeed a social label in and of itself, I say why limit yourself to just that? Why not be proud to not only be a geek, but to be who you are in all other aspects of your persona as well? I guess with that said one could say that I am proud to be a loner; one who doesn't fit in with the limits of social labels. One who just goes out and is who he wants to be and doesn't care what everyone else has to say about it.
BrothersElric is embarrassed about his lack of posting, can you tell?
Gal, I swear it's been next to impossible for me to get on nearly enough to do any bloging over the last little while or so..... Wednesday I got on just barely enough to finish my last post I had saved that I didn't finish from earlier that day, Thursday and Friday are typically my two role playing days with my friends so naturally I was preoccupied that day, just longer than usual is all, Saturday I had lawn mowing, figuring out what the crap was wrong with our lawn mower, then like, an hour or so on the computer before heading off for the marching band game, yesterday was one of those Sundays where I couldn't get on the computer, and today I'm just barely able to get this blog post in right before family home evening........ And the onslaught isn't over yet, as tomorrow I've got the Weber State Marching Band Review that I'm helping out at and everything...... Just absolutely crazy..... So with that said I have no idea when I'll ever get around to making a decent blog post over here..... I do have a ton of good things to post about though, so hopefully I'll be able to eventually FINALLY get around to posting them. Hopefully..... I promise that I'll really, really try to make it happen though.
I was actually going to make a post similar to this one over on ArizUtaku back when school started back up again, but I figured when I decided I was going to create this blog that I was going to save it for here, since I'll be doing much more of that sort of thing on this blog.
Well life is pretty much just your typical standard everyday happenings of events. Mostly just dealing with school and homework and such, balancing that with my marching/symphonic band schedules. I'm of course not working right now, partly due to the fact that I'm not really wanting to have to juggle school and work at the same time unless I absolutely have to, but the other part is just simply that I both a) don't get out to find work NEARLY as much as I'd like to and b) finding work comes pretty hard in the first place. Plus that and this past summer has really been full of certain happenings that have been occupying my mind that we won't go into too much detail as to what they are...... So unfortunately, even though I was hoping to do that over the summer, I still find myself sadly unemployed. But the search continues I suppose.
School has been really great so far though. Aside from the symphonic/marchng bands, my other three accademic classes I'm taking this semester are Interpersonal & Small Group Communication, Math 1080 (Pre-Calculus), and a Library Science computer class that I have no clue what it's called, but I need to take to complete my computer litteracy general ed requirements. I think so far my favorite class has to be the communication class. We've been learning a whole lot about some really interesting things in the sense of the different forms of communication we all participate in, and I'm actually really liking the group aspect of it. Mostly just because I sometimes find it much easier to do certain assignments and tests as a group, but also because it gives me a chance to interact with my fellow students more and thus have a chance to meet new people, which of course I'm always up for. We just barely got put into our assigned groups for the rest of the semester today so I haven't really gotten that much of a chance to get to know people as well as I would like, but I can already tell from this group I was assigned to today that I'm really going to enjoy being in it. Then there's math, which of course is math, pretty much. Kind of a stressful class as you would immagine it would be, especially since it's the first class in a long while I've had to take every single school day. But I think I'm handling it quite well. The library science one is probably my least favorite though. Kind of an easy class, and we'll be done with it by mid-October since it's what's called a "block class," but in all honesty I was kind of expecting this to be a class more centered around just simply searching through the school library's databases, and so far it's turned out to be a bit more than that. Sometimes I swear I almost feel like she's actually trying to get us to write an actual research paper.......
And then of course there's band, which is always fun. We're yet to have our first home game of the season so there really hasn't been much yet, but I'm quite looking forward to the season. Band camp was really tough as it always is, but this year seemed especially so. They're really doing a great job of working us a lot harder and I feel like we're accomplishing much more than we've seemed to typically do in the past. We did already have our first (and only so far) on-field performance last saturday, and from what I hear it's probably one of, if not the, best ones we've ever done. So tallent wise I'd say we're doing pretty well. Size wise however has been quite the dissapointment. We had these expectations and predictions that our band was supposed to be 100+ members this year, but instead we're more like 40-50 or so, which is about 10-12 or so smaller than we were last year even. Still, it's been really fun, and hardly a disappointment at all for the actual people that are in it this year. We already had a blast together back on saturday, and I'm looking forward to how much fun the rest of the season is going to be with these guys. Especially with how good our football team is going to be this year. They've already been incredibly impressive in two very close losses to FBS opponents, and judging from the fact that all our returning starters from last year's awesome team are back this year, we might even have a chance to go all the way.
My social life has been kind of so-so I guess. Been hanging out with Peter, my best bud since the 4th grade, a whole lot lately. It'd been a few years since I'd seen him as well before he invited me and a few other people we know to go see the midnight showing of Watchmen with me back in March, and also when he friended me on Facebook back in January, and since about then we've been hanging out a whole lot, which I really enjoy. Add onto that the fact that I've both been reconnected with a good friend of mine from back during my freshman year of college and am making really good friends with some of his good friends and family, as well as the fact that just today I got to hang out with my cousin who I haven't seen in like, 4-5 years and her fiance, and of course not to mention all the friends I'm making in the band program, I'd say life is pretty good. Definitely much better than it was when absolutely no one was around to hang out with a few years back....... (as much as I love all my good friends from the forums :) )
Anime and Manga has been kind of tough to come by lately though. Mostly because of all that I've been busy with and all that has preoccupied my mind lately. I've fallen quite a bit behind on my manga reading for one, so I'm definitely going to have to be doing some catch up pretty soon here. I've got tons of anime sitting on my shelf that Matt has sent to me, and I hope to get around to watching them sometime, but so far all I've really had time for is the 74 episode masterpiece of a suspenseful thriller known as Monster (which is the series where the picture I'm using for this site comes from. Quite fitting if I do say so myself. ;) ). I was hoping to finish it before marching band camp started up, but unfortunately I only got to somewhere in the late 50s before then. Since then I've only been able to work my way up to episode 68, which is where I stand now. But it has just been one of the most awesome experiences I've ever had watching an anime before. Not only does it continuously keep you on the edge of your seat dying to know what happens next (as much as a 74 episode series possibly can anyways) with all sorts of crazy plot twists all over the place, and not only is it very emotionally gripping as well, but the storyline is one of the most geniously constructed ones I've ever seen, albeit a bit draggy at times. Hopefully I'll be able to finish it out sometime soon so I can go ahead and write up a full-on review of it over on ArizUtaku for you guys.
So, that's pretty much how my life stands for me at this point. In the meantime, enjoy this stick figure's random killing of people.
Well, after about a little more than a year posting with my good friend Matt over on our blog ArizUtaku (a link can be found on the sidebar) I have now officially decided to set out to do what I was hoping for when I first decided to start posting over there in the first place: create my own personal blog.
Be Afraid!! Be very afraid!!
Pretty much what you can expect to me do over here is basically just writing about stuff like life related things, random things that I find amusing, ect. But probably more than anything the weight of what I'll be doing the most is writing about certain thoughts, feelings and opinions on certain things that I have. Hence the name of the blog. The "geeky loner" part comes from the fact that, as you will probably come to find for yourself (if you haven't already ^_^' ) that I am indeed a geek with all sorts of typical geeky interests. What you'll also probably come to find about myself is just how sad and pathetic my life is, hence the loner part. :P I'll also be keeping you up to date with a lot of the things I'll be posting over on ArizUtaku, mostly just reviews and such, kind of like what Matt does with his fightbait and Manga Village reviews.
I'm really looking forward to seeing how this thing will turn out for me and how things will develop in the future. Hopefully I can get some good followers and some good discussions going over here, and I hope you all will enjoy it thoroughly.