Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Crazy random linkage.

Earlier today I relived this video a friend of mine showed me about a week ago.  It is seriously one of the oddest, most tripped out and all around random videos you will ever see.  I was personally rolling with laughter, but then again this kind of odd random humor is actually one of my main favorite forms of humor.  Others actually may find themselves kind of a bit frightened by this thing..... ^_^' But I just can't help but post it though.  It's just too darn special in it's own little way not to! XD

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Kūchū Buranko (Trapeze) episode 1 review (ArizUtaku)

My thoughts on the first episode of Kūchū Buranko (translated into english as "Trapeze") are now posted up and can be found here for those who want to read them.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

For Your Listening Pleasure: The best of Primus

New playlist this time around is basically off of Primus' best of album "They Can't All Be Zingers."  This is essentially the album that introduced me to Primus and I've been listening to them a ton ever since.  I must say I'm really, really impressed by this band.  Of course they're most famously known for Les Claypool's out of this world bass guitar skills, but just as much as that I'm also impressed by both the guitar player and especially the drummer.  Dang good stuff.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Apparently I'm a nice guy.......

I had kind of a reasuring experience in my math class today.  There's this one girl who typically sits next to me in that class who also on the other side of her typically has this other guy who sits next to her that she usually likes to talk to a lot.  She does talk to me sometimes, but she's a lot more..... friendly, so to speak with the other guy.

Well today that guy was sitting somewhere else in the room, so she was kind of left to sit next to just me.  So naturally she was talking to me a lot more than she usually does.  Mostly just along the lines of class related stuff, what we were learning/taking notes about, upcoming tests/assignments and whatnot.  And I guess I was kind of helpful to her as we were talking about the material.  I did however offer her my sheet that listed the next assignment that was due that we got at the beginning of the class though.  She showed up pretty late, and there was a pile of those sheets up on the front table anyways, so I was just going to take one from that.

But anyways, at one point in the middle of the class she told me that she thought I was a pretty nice guy, a heck of a lot nicer than that other guy at least, who she said she thought was a complete jerk.  I must say, that really made my day when she said that. 8-) Of course I persnally don't think she's really my type or anything like that, but it was still a pretty awesome moment for me nonetheless. 8-)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Fairy Tail episode 1 review (ArizUtaku)

My thoughts on the first episode of Fairy Tail  are now up and can be viewed here.  I'll also be posting my thoughts on the first episode of Kuuchuu Buuranko sometime this week as well, so be on the lookout for that.

Stormtroopers' 9/11 slash All Apologies part 2.......

First of all, I'd like to (once again..... >.> ) appologize for not posting much on here.  I've had plenty of great post ideas in the past, I just think that for most of them it was more of a spur of the moment happening in my life that I was either thinking about more deeply or really, really stressed out about it during the general time period in which it happened that quite frankly, I just didn't really feel like posting it like, days after it happened, since I wasn't able to post about it during that general time period.  Just know that I am doing my best here and rest assured there will be more interesting posts to come.

In any case, one of my facebook friends posted this up on his wall earlier today and I got a real good laugh at it.  I'm sure you will too.