Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Choice Has Been Made: BroEl's Summer Season 2010 Anime Lineup

Seems almost like yesterday I was making my picks for what I would be watching for the spring season, doesn't it?  Well it wasn't yesterday, no, but it was only about two months ago or so that I did.  Time sure does fly by when you're watching a season of good anime.  Even the 11-13 episode series from last season have yet to finish their run yet, but with them coming close to doing so and the new season approaching us, it is now time to take a look at what I will be watching.  Though I probably won't be following all of them to the end given time restrictions (maybe a couple and that's it) I figure I ought to at least give all five of these series a shot.

Although I've never been a particularly huge fan of Death Note, the names of Madhouse Studios and Tetsuo Araki still give meaning enough for me to want to give this series a shot.  Because those same names are associated with my #2 anime released in Japan from 2008, that of course being Kurozuka.  Death Note I still thought was a pretty excellent series despite not really liking it all that much, and Kurozuka was just a downright flashy cool series in it's own right.  That said expectations are pretty much right up in that same capacity for this series as well.  Definitely looking forward to what it brings to the table.

From the looks of things, the premise of this series looks to have something to do with both the supernatural and time travel at the same time, amongst various other interesting phenomina.  Which I must say, definitely intrigues me quite a bit.  Based off of the premise alone it seems like it's at least worth a shot, but we'll see.  If it's anything like Ghost Hunt (it actually kind of reminds me of that series more than anything else) it may end up being one I'll have to have patience with before it really starts to keep my interest.

I must say, the animation for this series really caught my eye at first glance.  It's from the same person who brought us Twelve Kingdoms (which I have yet to see or even really know anything about) and, oddly enough that I mention it again, Ghost Hunt, although unlike the latter, this one looks like it could be a real creepfest right from the start.  It definitely has a very eerie feel to it, which has me very intrigued.  Plus that and the plot summary on ANN makes it sound like this one could end up being a really engaging thriller.  Definitely going to keep an eye on this one, that's for sure.

This one seems to be the least intriguing of all of the series I've decided to give a shot this season, and probably the most likely to be the very first series I decide not to follow to the end.  Despite that fact though it still at least seems decent enough to give a shot to anyways.  It does sound like a kind of series I might like after all.

I think I've come to find that Seinen has definitely become one of my top favorite genres of anime, and from the looks of things this series falls right under that category.  Meaning I'll definitely be giving it a shot.  Doesn't really look like there's much information on what this series is about; no trailer or plot summary or anything, but the art style and, well, pretty much the entirety of the image above really makes it look like it could end up being quite the unique and intriguing experience of the new season.  If it turns out the way it looks it's probably going to be the only series on this list I'll be following all the way to the end for sure.

And that folks would be my lineup for the season.  As always be sure to look forward to both mine and JayGee's first impression posts over on ArizUtaku about these series and more come next month.

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