Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And so it begins....

Well, after about a little more than a year posting with my good friend Matt over on our blog ArizUtaku (a link can be found on the sidebar) I have now officially decided to set out to do what I was hoping for when I first decided to start posting over there in the first place: create my own personal blog.

  Be Afraid!!  Be very afraid!!

Pretty much what you can expect to me do over here is basically just writing about stuff like life related things, random things that I find amusing, ect.  But probably more than anything the weight of what I'll be doing the most is writing about certain thoughts, feelings and opinions on certain things that I have.  Hence the name of the blog.  The "geeky loner" part comes from the fact that, as you will probably come to find for yourself (if you haven't already ^_^' ) that I am indeed a geek with all sorts of typical geeky interests.  What you'll also probably come to find about myself is just how sad and pathetic my life is, hence the loner part. :P I'll also be keeping you up to date with a lot of the things I'll be posting over on ArizUtaku, mostly just reviews and such, kind of like what Matt does with his fightbait and Manga Village reviews.

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this thing will turn out for me and how things will develop in the future.  Hopefully I can get some good followers and some good discussions going over here, and I hope you all will enjoy it thoroughly.


  1. So you've taken your first step, eh? Good on ya. I best of wish you luck with this new blog.

  2. Yeah, thanks a bunch. :) This'll definitely be quite the interesting experience, that's for sure.

  3. Oh, come now. You're not a loner, nor is your life sad and pathetic. At least, no more than mine is. That's a sad thought right there, though. Anyway, I'll also say good on ya for starting your own blog. It's a nice thing to have so you can vent your feelings about the world.

  4. Heh heh, well I guess it's not as sad and pathetic as it could be anyways, I'll give you that. I'm still going with the loner thing though, just simply because it still describes me quite well nonetheless. :P

  5. Best of luck to your new blog! I just realized I used to have one here way back in 06. 00; (this is Brooke/Forlorn Hope btw)

  6. Ah, hey Brooke! Thanks for following my blog, it'll be good to have you on here. :)

  7. Hmmm... I guess I can accept that. But, I still say that you can't be that much of a loner. A TRUE loner would not have nearly as many friends as you do, nor would they be involved in things like marching band.

  8. Yeah, I guess if you think about it I really do have much more friends and am a bit more social than I give myself credit for sometimes. I do like to have fun with people, and I do like to meet new people, but at the same time there's still just that sort of anti-social side of me as well. Like in all honesty, basically as far as my closest friends I spend the most time with are concerned I have my forum buddies, you guys (seriously we need to hang out more often.... ) and Peter and the gang, and that's like, it. And most of the forum buddies live like, half way across the country and even world in certain cases, so it's kind of hard to spend time with them outside of chatting with them on the computer and stuff if you know what I mean. I mean it's not like I'm a complete and utter social outcast or anything, I'm just not nearly as social as I should be sometimes is all.

    But, you know, I actually kind of enjoy being that way sometimes though. I guess I just feel like sometimes it allows me much more freedom in the interactions with certain kinds of people that I do. I don't know, I'm not sure if I'm really making much sense here, but I do think I eventually plan on making a post about it sometime in the near future, so that might help you understand more of what I mean.
